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Bi-monthly, Mondays

HERadhd Support Network

Event details

Welcome to HERadhd Support Network!

Are you a woman navigating the unique challenges of living with ADHD? You’re not alone. HERadhd is a supportive community dedicated to women like you who are on a journey to embrace their strengths, navigate the complexities of ADHD, and thrive in all aspects of life.

In our safe and understanding space, you’ll find:
– Empathy and Connection: Connect with fellow women who understand your experiences, challenges, and triumphs.
– Guidance and Resources: Access valuable resources, strategies, and insights to help you manage your ADHD effectively.
– Empowerment and Growth: Discover your inner strength, unlock your potential, and learn to thrive with ADHD.
– Inspiring Discussions: Engage in empowering discussions, share your stories, and learn from the experiences of others.

Join us at HERadhd, where we celebrate your uniqueness and offer support and empowerment as you journey toward a brighter, more focused future. Together, we’ll overcome obstacles and prove that ADHD is not a barrier but a unique lens through which we view the world. You are not alone, and you are not defined by your diagnosis

First session of the month: 10am - 12pm
Second session of the month: 6pm - 8pm

Free (drop in)

Venue: Meeting Room

HERadhd Support Network

Bi-monthly, Mondays
Monday 12 August
Monday 26 August
Monday 9 September
Monday 23 September
Monday 14 October
Monday 28 October
Monday 11 November
Monday 25 November
Monday 9 December
Monday 23 December